How to fill out the ICS forms on the computer. You simply type all the information in the blanks and print or downlode/ uplode the whole thing later. NOTE: Make sure you turn INSERT off. Do not use the 'Enter' key. Use the up/down arrows to move the cursor, If you don't, you will move some of the lines and/or headings and distort the layoyt of the form. If you have to pagenate select the best break point possible by not cutting blocks in parts. When printing set the printer and software so that the whole page is used. This means no margins, 80 columns wide and use the full page length. NOTE: When using the forms during a drill put the word 'DRILL' at the top and bottom of 'EACH' page. Draw attention to it. Perhaps something like: *** DRILL *** The following forms are the ones filled out at one location but also used at other locations. There are other ICS forms, not included here, that are used at one location only. ICS201A Current Organization ICS201B Resource Summary ICS202 Incident Objectives ICS203 Organization Assignment List ICS204 Division Assignment List ICS209 Incident Status Summary ICS211A&B Check-in List ICS212 Incident Objectives ICS213 General Message form ICS214A&B Unit Log ICS221 Demobilization Checkout