; All lines in script files that start with ';' are ignored. ; ; This script file - Reconfig.TXT - ; ; This script will configure the TNC to the callsign stored ; in the setup file, and set parameters for multiple nodes ; and users ; ; The hot key. HOTKEY F8 ; The title. TITLE Reconfigure the TNC ; Change interface to terminal. Mandatory in order to make futher changes. SEND INTFACE TERMINAL ; WAITFOR cmd: ; Send the command to restore default settings. SEND RESTORE DEFAULTS ; Wait for the prompt set the baud rate. WAITFOR PRESS (*) TO SET BAUD RATE ; SEND * ; WAITFOR ENTER YOUR CALLSIGN=> ; Enter callsign. SEND $MYCALL ; WAITFOR cmd: ; Change interface to terminal. Mandatory in order to make futher changes. SEND INTFACE TERMINAL ; WAITFOR cmd: ; Allow MYPBBS to be different from MYCALL-1 SEND MYPBBS $BBS ; WAITFOR cmd: ; Use the TNC's squelch parameter SEND CD SOFTWARE ; WAITFOR cmd: ; Free up RAM to allow more nodes and users SEND PBBS 1 ; WAITFOR cmd: ; Bump up node count SEND NUMNODES 20 ; WAITFOR cmd: ; Bump up user max count SEND MAXUSERS 20 ; WAITFOR cmd: ; Max out users SEND USERS 20 ; WAITFOR cmd: ; Allow more mailbox space if enough RAM exixts SEND PBBS 10 WAITFOR cmd: ; Set date and time SEND DAYTIME $YY$MM$DD$HH$NN$SS WAITFOR cmd: ; Set date format SEND DAYSTR mm/dd/20yy hh:mm:ss WAITFOR cmd: ; Turn off Echo function SEND ECHO OFF WAITFOR cmd: ; Setup BBS text SEND PTEXT Welcome to my BBS de $1STNAME, $MYCALL WAITFOR cmd: ; Setup Node text SEND NTEXT Welcome to my Node de $1STNAME, $MYCALL WAITFOR cmd: ; Set Stream Callsign display to on SEND STREAMCA ON WAITFOR cmd: ; Set Stream indicator to on SEND STREAME ON WAITFOR cmd: ; Set Monitor command to on SEND MON ON WAITFOR cmd: ; Set Monitoring of connect/disconnect frames to off SEND MCOM OFF