Wine and Cheese Bike-a-thon 1999



Pre-meeting with KC6BPC, W6UHF and KD6YWO

Assignments with KF6FOP,KD6YWO, KF6NPG, W6UHF, KC6TVE, KF6TEZ and guests

Turlock Lake rest stop with KF6NAA

Turlock Lake rest stop

Moccasin rest stop.....

....with KF6TEZ

Vintage firetruck was on scene

Does anyone know what this antenna is for?

Moccasin Power Plant

Moccasin Power Plant


Knights Ferry rest stop with KF6TSY, W6UHF, and KD6YWO

Knights Ferry rest stop with KF6TSY and KD6YWO

Final water stop with KF6BPC and KC6TVE




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Web Author: kf6fir