Nine types of messages have been identified as necessary to pass during a telecom infrastructure outage (Red Cross forms in parenthesis):
Short messages of few words (passed over a voice circuit)
Moderately to lengthy general messages (Red Cross ICS213 General Message)
Logistics requests (Red Cross Disaster Requisition 6409)
Unaccompanied minor reports (Unaccompanied Minor and Separated Child Form)
Safe and well (legacy as “Health and Welfare”) registration (Safe and Well Registration)
Emergency welfare inquiry (Emergency Welfare Inquiry)
Client incident / death (Client Incident Report)
Staff Request (Staff Request)
Contact Roster (ARC ICS203)
The ICS forms adapted for use by the Red Cross include:
Incident Briefing 201
Incident Objectives 202
Contact Roster 203
Work Assignment 204
Organization Chart 207
Safety Message 208
General Message 213
Daily Schedule 230
Incident Open Tracing 233
However, the information that must be passed during a telecom infrastructure outage include
that managed by the General Message 213, Work Assignment 204 plus six Red Cross specific
It only takes a minute each to review these template/forms in Winlink and/or NBEMS (Fldigi).
Thank you.
V/R (73),
Guy Mallery W6MSU (EC)